nl Huurders
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Compact Real Estate Services

Satisfied tenants.
That is our prime objective.

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We manage all types of real estate

Compact Real Estate Services is an expert in the field of property management. We have clear-cut ideas on how to manage real estate, focusing on ensuring that a tenant always feels comfortable in the leased property.

Our vision


We believe in the value of satisfied tenants. Satisfied tenants have a positive impact on the return on your real estate investment. Why do we believe in this? Offering your tenants optimal service and personal attention ensures that rental income remains constant, occupancy rates are high and the value of your real estate increases.

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Our figures

Key Facts
of Compact
Real Estate Services

1,4 bln real estate value in €
2.350 affiliated tenants
650.000 m2 of real estate under management

A clear vision on real estate management

Compact Real Estate Services is an authority in the field of real estate management. We have a clear vision of real estate management, whereby the central point is that the tenant of an object must always feel comfortable in the rented property.

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